News & Events

NBA Ilorin News & Events


Good afternoon, learned silks, respected seniors, esteemed members of the bar and distinguished guests.

It is with great honor and privilege that I welcome you all to the monthly congress of the Nigerian Bar Association, Ilorin branch. I would like to appreciate each and every one of us, especially our senior colleagues and bar elders whose contributions, in one way or the other, continue to shape the legal landscape of our nation.

This is the second time under this administration that we are having our monthly meeting away from the customary venue at the NBA House. The first of it having been hosted by Professor Mubaraq Tijani Adekilekun while this present meeting is hosted by the erudite Professor of Law and a past chairman of our bar Prof. Wahab Egbewole SAN. I am also pleased to announce to you all that the next general meeting for the month of March will be hosted by Prof Yusuf Olalu Ali SAN, the Kuliyan Geri of Ilorin Emirates. The reason behind this initiative is to foster a more engaging and inclusive atmosphere for our discussions and to engender our members' familiarity with the founding fathers of the branch and to tap from their wealth of experience. It is my conviction that this tradition will continue to enhance good relationships within our Bar.


During my address at the last meeting, reference was made to the effort of our past Chairmen, and past leaders of the Branch towards harmonizing our Bar. The effort of these bar leaders made my aspiration to forge unity within our bar a reality. This continued effort is vital for strengthening our association and ensuring that we stand together as one unified body. The effect of this effort is manifested in this meeting with the attendance of our referred seniors and distinguished members across all spectrum. Together, we are stronger, and together we can achieve greater things for our branch. Thank you for your commitment to this vision of unity and collaboration.


On the issue of the Land Instrument Policy, the Executive Committee paid a courtesy visit to the Executive Chairman, Kwara State Geographical Information Services (KWAGIS) regarding their collaboration on the implementation of the LIP, and I am pleased to report that KWAGIS have started implementing the policy and any agreement submitted for processing title without the three (3) seals (Lawyer’s Seal, NBA Official Seals and Judiciary seal) would not be accepted and processed. However, there is an urgent need to amend the Land Instrument Registration Law of Kwara State in that regard. The Executive Chairman of KWAGIS urged the NBA to forward a Memo to them to enable them to seek the approval of the Executive Governor to raise an Executive Bill to the House of Assembly.

It is also our realization that some Notary public among us has rendered themselves as a clog in the wheel of the policy by their act of sabotage against the LIP and in this regard, KWAGIS urged the NBA to call our members who are Notary Public to order, because many affidavits attached to submitted agreements and notarised by the Notary Public do not carry the NBA official Seal. So I want to use this medium to make an appeal to the Notary Public among our members to ensure that compliance with the LIP is observed while notarizing the affidavit attached to the agreement.

KWAGIS also raised concern on the agreement prepared by a legal practitioner outside the Kwara State without the three seals and such document is brought to them for title. I made them understand that, whenever they are faced with such instances, they should refer such a lawyer to NBA. Let it be noted that the LIP is fast becoming a national policy. In fact, our branch has become a consultant to many other branches on this important policy.

Let me also reiterate that, in treating agreements submitted to the NBA for processing, payment made into the NBA FCMB account from GT Bank often experience reversals, resulting in unnecessary delays and complications. We have faced instances where NBA officers have processed an agreement and authorized disbursement to lawyers who made deposits from GTB accounts and later discovered that, such money has been reversed.

To avoid such occurrences, we kindly request all members to refrain from making payments into the NBA FCMB account via GT Bank. Please, let's use alternative banks or other payment channels which will enable the smooth processing of transactions.

We also notice that there are long payments into the NBA Account without claiming. For instance, some are coming with an application on the payment made into the account even before the assumption of office by this administration. Members are hereby reminded to promptly notify the NBA of any funds lodged into the NBA Land Instrument account on behalf of their clients. This notification should be made within two weeks of the payment date to allow for confirmation and processing.


Permit me to use this medium to highlight several crucial issues that were discussed at our recent National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting which was held in Akure. One of the significant decisions was the sanction made against one Magistrate in Ekiti State who gave an order against any lawyer that appeared before him in an attempt to vacate his order. Another topic for deliberation is the issue of mode of dressing by our members, and the NEC has mandated all branches to establish a Dress Code Compliance Committee, underlining our commitment to maintaining decency and etiquette within our profession. The committee will be constituted before the end of this meeting.

I am thrilled to announce that, at the said NEC meeting, our branch, Ilorin Branch has been granted the honor to host the next NEC Meeting scheduled to hold on 7th to 9th May 2025. A Local Organizing Committee has already been constituted, and I am pleased to announce the list of members of the committee thus:

I would also like to state that, the NEC also extended the time for early bird registration for the upcoming AGC Port Harcourt 2025 until the end of March 2025. I encourage all members to take advantage of this opportunity to register. Some of our members were considered to serve on various AGC planning committees, I hope you will make our branch proud in your service as committee members. I congratulate you all.


On the welfare of our members, at the last meeting, it was resolved that funds should be raised for our ailing member, Mr. Henry Abraham. I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to our learned Silks, seniors and distinguished members for your generous contributions. As at 27th February, 2025, we have raised the sum of One Million, Two Hundred and Nine Thousand, Seven Hundred and Eight Naira, Twenty-Three Kobo (N1, 209, 708. 23). We are planning to facilitate the payment of his practising fees, to enable us to access NBA Insurance on his behalf.

The UBA account in which the money is being paid to is under the process of changing the signatories, all past Signatories have signed except the immediate past Chairman who refused to sign. Since the past Executive were the signatory to the account, the Bank requested that both the past Chairman and Secretary initiate a letter for change of signatory. A letter was prepared in that regard and was forwarded to the Immediate past Chairman with a covering letter for him to sign, but he neither signed the letter nor returned it. As soon as he signs and we gain control of the said account, the money will be released to Mr. Henry Abraham to continue his treatment. Meanwhile, in the meantime, any member who intends to donate could still do so within this limited time.

The initiative to provide essential commodities at subsidised prices for our members was part of the policies designed by this administration, and I reiterate it in my address at the last meeting that the NBA commodity market will kickstart any moment from now. I have the privilege to inform us that, the commodities are now available and would be sold to our members at a subsidized rate. The modalities for the sale of the commodities have been rolled out by the Welfare Committee and the sale will commence shortly after this meeting in which I have the conviction that many of our members will key into the policy.

I want to make it clear at this point that, the funds for the commodities are not from the practicing fee, rather, it was gathered from the accumulated remnant out of 0.5% deducted from land instrument policy after the payment of VAT and COT.


It is crucial for us, as legal professionals, to uphold the principles of justice and due process, even in the most challenging circumstances. Our role extends beyond advocacy, it encompasses the responsibility to educate and support our communities in understanding the legal framework that governs us.

Our visit to the family of the slain girl was met with mixed emotions, and we assure them that we are standing firm in our commitment to facilitating justice. During our conversation with the family, we clarified that it is the law for the suspect to be represented in court by a legal practitioner. This representation is not only a legal obligation but also serves the cause of justice by ensuring that every individual receives a fair trial.


I am excited to announce our ambitious plan to establish an NBA Estate. Today, we will form a committee tasked with exploring the feasibility of acquiring land for this purpose. This initiative aims to create a space that can serve as a residential purpose and will be named after the NBA. We invite all our members who are interested in investing in this project to consider partnering with the NBA to engender realization of the aspiration. An agreement will be executed to formalize this partnership, ensuring that all interested parties have a stake in the development and success of the NBA Estate. Together, we can build a legacy that not only benefits our current members but also sets a foundation for future generations.


To Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return. We lost another member in person of Mr Abdulrahman Jimoh who died on 14th February, 2025, and until his death, he was a partner in the law firm of Ismail, Jimoh & Co. Our condolences to his partner in office, Prof Ismail Ismail of the Faculty of Law, University of Ilorin. May Allah in His infinite mercy, forgive his shortcomings and grant him Al-Jannah Firdaus.

Also, the Secretary of the Bar, O. D. Jimoh lost his mother on 26th February, 2025 and she has been buried according to Islamic rites. May Allah grant her Aljanah Fridouse and forgive her shortcomings..


The NBA Ilorin Branch wishes to invite members to the Funeral Ceremony and Thanksgiving of Chief Jonah Medaiyese Baiyeshea, the father of our own, Pastor Olushola Baiyeshea SAN which is scheduled to take place on the 27th through 28th March, 2025 at his residence in Olle-Bunu/Kabba, Bunu LGA, Kogi State. The service of songs is on Thursday, 27th March, 2025 by 4pm while lying in state is on Friday 28th, March 2025 by 8 am. Thanksgiving Service is on the same Friday, 28th March 2025 by 10 am, and urge our members to grace this occasion as a mark of honour to our father, Pastor Olushola Baiyeshea SAN. May Baba Jonah Baiyeshea's soul rest in peace


This address will not be completed if I failed to appreciate our host, Prof Abdulwahab Egbewole, SAN, the Vice Chancellor, University of Ilorin. Oga has been a supportive pillar for this administration. A Unilorin Hummer Bus was released for the Branch during the NBA 2024 Conference in Lagos on the approval of the VC. Also, during the Unilorin admission process, the NBA biological admission request were considered despite the tight admission request. May Allah in His infinite mercy continue to bless you beyond your imagination.


Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to our continued discussions and collaborations as we work together to advance the mission of the NBA.

SMH Kosemani Esq